The Story

The Story of Riding Home

We all have one thing in common- no one's getting out of here alive. But if you knew your time on earth was limited, would you choose to live differently?

Meet Caryl. She loves her horses and also her life-- and with a prognosis of less than 6 months to live, she's found a new vibrancy in finding the extraordinary in the ordinary. In Riding Home, Caryl meets death and dying head-first-- with authenticity, grace, and an irreverent sense of humor-- making this taboo topic something we can finally access and engage with. 

During production– November 2023 through March 2024– Caryl's cancer is running rampant in her body, and her tumors have taken on a life of their own. Her health is steadily declining, and with each loss of ability or heightened level of discomfort, Caryl must learn anew what her body is capable of. With each day she brings a freshness, an acute sense of discernment, and an openness to plan ahead.

Caryl has given us full access to film her life during this time. Now, our mission is to begin post-production and keep this momentum going.

Caryl completely dedicated herself to this film, knowing she would never see the final cut-- and her final wish is for this film to be finished. Join us in making Caryl's dream come true.


Director's Statement